《吸血鬼日記》制片人曾挽留Nina Dobrev
2015-05-04 16:00
The Vampire Diaries co-creator Julie Plec is speaking out about Nina Dobrev‘s decision to leave the long-running CW series after this season ends.
《吸血鬼日記》執(zhí)行制片人Julie Plec說起了CW美劇《吸血鬼日記》本季季終Nina Dobrev要離開的這件事。
“She was just looking forward to moving on with no hard feelings and no drama,” Julie said on the KCRW podcast last week. “This is taking the personal out of it completely, from a storytelling point of view it’s a great challenge. As writers in the room we’re finding it very rejuvenating. Just on a strictly creative exercise level.”
“Nina had said earlier this year that she wanted to be done and we spent a little bit of time trying to talk her out of it. [We'd say,] ‘Oh, look at all these great plans of how you can stay!’” she explained. “And she finally was like, ‘No, I signed up for six years. I’ve done my six years. I’m ready to move on and spread my wings.’”
《吸血鬼日記》第五季雖然才剛剛以一種讓人意想不到的結局吊住了觀眾的胃口。第六季會是這部美劇的結局季嗎?《娛樂周刊》采訪了《吸血鬼日記》主心骨任務Julie Plec,她的回答非常明確:不是。
《吸血鬼日記》第四季第六集的片尾曲——《Walking Blind》
這首來自Aidan Hawken&Carina Round的《Walking Blind》是吸血鬼日記《The Vampire Diaries》第四季第六集的片尾曲,這應該是屬于Elena和Stefan的分手之歌了。
這首出現在《吸血鬼日記》片尾的歌是Courrier專輯《A Violent Flame》中的《Between》。Jeremy 離開瀑布鎮(zhèn)前,Bonnie出現在門口,雖然萬分不舍,但是Bonnie還是讓Jeremy離開了瀑布鎮(zhèn),此時片中的背景音樂就是這
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