
Benefits to Individuals

Parks offer opportunities to enrich the quality of life for persons of all ages and abilities.

點評:你是不是會說Parks can make our life more colorful…


Strong evidence shows that when people?have access to?parks, they exercise more.

點評:你是不是會說When people can go to parks, they do more exercises.


Regular physical activity has been shown to increase health and reduce the risk of a wide range of diseases, including?heart disease, hypertension, colon cancer, and diabetes. Physical activity also relieves symptoms of depression and anxiety, improves mood, and enhances psychological well-being. Beyond the benefits of exercise, a growing body of research shows that contact with the natural world improves physical and psychological health. Older adults who participate in a variety of social and recreational opportunities benefit from the social connections and interactions that are fundamental to their well-being.



Benefits to Communities

Parks have long been recognized?as key contributors to the?aesthetic?and physical quality of neighborhoods.

點評:你是不是會說Parks can make our neighborhoods more beautiful.這里的be recognized其實也沒啥大意思,但加了就是make a difference,體會~aesthetic,大家應該都學過,開口的時候多少人想得到?


Today, we realize that parks are more than?recreation and visual assets to communities; they are valuable contributors to larger community policy objectives,?such as public health, youth development, job opportunities, social and cultural exchange, and community building.

點評:visual assets視覺財富,注意財富的表達。



At the community level parks play a special role, they have something to offer everyone from young children and teens, to families, adults and the elderly;?their presence?can also be a cohesive force.

點評:…’s presence其實可以作為一個很好的代詞的替代品,在這里就相當于they。


They are?more than?places to recreate and relate to nature; parks can also offer a multitude of opportunities to?engage in?arts and music. A park can be a community?focal point, a symbol of its vitality and character, adding to its overall health, well-being and quality of life.

點評:more than …不僅僅是,你是不是會說not only… but also?

engage in?參與

focal point?焦點



Uses for the garden space

A garden can have aesthetic, functional, and recreational uses:

Cooperation with nature

● plant cultivation種花


Observation of nature

● bird- and insect-watching

● Reflection on the changing?seasons



● Family dinners on the terrace

● Children playing in the garden

● Reading and relaxing in the hammock在吊床上讀書休憩

● Maintaining the flowerbeds

● Pottering in the shed

● Basking in warm sunshine曬太陽

● Escaping oppressive sunlight and heat避暑


Growing useful produce

● Flowers to cut and bring inside for indoor beauty

● Fresh herbs and vegetables for cooking
