Taylor and Calvin, Sittin' in a Tree

Allow us this shallow moment, please: We're all for Taylor Swift's Miss Independent philosophies, but if she's getting back in the dating game with Calvin Harris, we're on board with that, too. Just look at that sweet congratulatory hug!


For One Direction fans still mourning the departure of Zayn Malik, we're not sure if things were made better or worse by his bandmates thanking him during their acceptance speech for Top Duo/Group. Either way, that silly 1D Twitter feud became a thing of the past when Liam said, "There's one more person to share this with, and that's our brother Zayn."

Ed Sheeran's One-Man Show

Sure, Ed Sheeran might be a multi-platinum recording artist, but the singer kept things low-key in his performance of "Bloodstream". Using nothing more than looper pedals and an acoustic guitar, Sheeran delivered one of the strongest performances of the night.

'Pretty' Perfect

We loved Britney Spears' performance of "Pretty Girls". If you traveled way back in time — you know, circa 2007 — and told us that Brit would make this big a comeback, we never would have believed you.

Sam Smith's Card Game

Recovering from vocal surgery, Sam Smith was relegated to cue cards for his Top Male Artist acceptance speech. The cards ranged from sweet (genuinely thanking his fans) to inside joke-y ("Taylor [Swift], put a 100 on black for me") to flat-out strange ("Nicki [Minaj], Oh my God, look at her bum!") Fortunately, Smith's song lyrics are so good, we can't hold these Magic Marker words against him.

Hell on Earth

We know Kanye West is a musical genius, but what was that BBMAs performance? Not only could we barely see him through the smoke and flames, but thanks to his family-friendly lyrics, about half the song was completely silenced. Then again, why would we expect anything different? Loved it.

Dat Suit Doe

Who dressed Chris Brown for the BBMAs?! We can hear the stylist now: "Listen, Chris, we know you have some image problems… so we decided to dress you like the actual Devil. You cool with that?"

Sour Note

What a coincidence — this is the exact same face we made when Mariah Carey hit that last note! (Maybe she should take a cue from Britney Spears and lip sync during her Vegas stay…)