2015-08-07 15:56
Hannibal's Bryan Fuller may be the creator of one of the darkest and most violent shows on television, but there is one subject he won't be addressing: rape.
《漢尼拔》的Bryan Fuller是當今美劇界最黑暗、最暴力劇集的制作人,不過有一個元素他卻從來不碰:強暴戲。
To his point, Fuller noted that "the reason the rape well is so frequently used is because it's a horrible thing that is real and that it happens. But because it's so overexploited, it becomes callous."
When it comes to rape and Game of Thrones, Fuller believes that all things considered, the controversial Sansa Stark scene was "handled tastefully" and made sense within the show's universe. "With Thrones, you're telling a story based on a time where those sort of violations were common. And women did not have the stance in that world to effectively resist... I see why they've made the choices they have in the stories they've told, so I can't criticize them for using that tool."
不過說起《權力的游戲》最新強暴戲碼,F(xiàn)uller認為一切還是頗為值得品鑒的,Sansa Stark的那場強暴戲也是頗有味道?!啊稒嗔Φ挠螒颉防?,故事整個是架構在一個暴力盛行的情況下,女人沒有權利拒絕...劇組講故事的方式我完全理解,所以我不能批評他們的這種處理方式。
Hannibal returns at 10/9c on June 4 on NBC.
重溫《暮光之城》經(jīng)典歌曲《Only Love》
《Only Love》是《暮光之城》Twilight暮色的主題曲,歌曲中講述了兩個相愛的人是多么的來之不易,加上鋼琴的演奏,深深的觸動著每一個人,歌詞也很唯美。
夏季檔美劇新劇Pretty Little Liars《美少女的謊言》被譽為少年版《絕望主婦》,作為最搶眼的校園懸疑劇,它的主題歌也頗有神秘氣息,一曲來自The Pierces的Secret,曾經(jīng)也是《緋聞女孩》的插曲呢。有視頻為證~
《魔戒》山寨前傳《希望的誕生》風靡網(wǎng)絡 (視頻)