

Take A Deep Breath

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or are coming out of a tense meeting and need to clear your head, a few minutes of deep breathing will restore balance. Simply inhale for five seconds, hold and exhale in equal counts through the nose.

Eat Right And Sleep Well

Eating badly will stress your system. Eating a low-sugar, high-protein diet. And when you’re not sleeping well, you’re not getting the rejuvenating effects.

Cool Down Quickly

“When you feel frustrated or angry, it’s a heated feeling in your body that can cause you to react,” says Melnick. Instead of immediately reacting—and likely overreacting—she suggests trying a “cooling breath” technique: Breathe in through your mouth as if you are sipping through a straw, and then breathe out normally through your nose. Done right, you’ll feel a cooling, drying sensation over the top of your tongue.

Identify Self-Imposed Stress

“Learn to stop self imposing stress by building your own self-confidence rather than seeking other’s approval,” says Melnick. Ironically, once you shift your focus from others’ perception of your work to the work itself, you’re more likely to impress them.

Reset The Panic Button

For those who become panic-y and short of breath before a presentation, Melnick says you can quickly reduce your anxiety with the right acupressure point. Positioning your thumb on the side of your middle finger and applying pressure instantly helps regulate your blood pressure.