


Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Completion means something is done and is finished. What is close to completion? How long was it? Who worked on the project?
This week's topic: They were near completion... (90-110 words)

1) a new bridge is near completion
2) the corrupted data on the damaged disk is being reconstructed, the repair is near completion
3) upon completion of the graduation thesis, the student submitted the paperwork to the Dean's office
4) with the completion of the new research laboratory, different organizations can collaborate on much bigger projects
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


“What's with the long face?” Wolfe looked up from his computer upon hearing the question. “The editor wants to see me this afternoon, but my assigned articles are nowhere near completion,” Wolfe answered weakly as he looked at the energetic intern approaching his desk, “and what have you been up to?” The intern explained that he had just finished his rotation in the magazine office downstairs and would be in the newsroom for the next few days. “It's hectic as usual down at the magazine office. I'm glad I can take a breather up here.”
