Vladimir Barbu is only four years old, but chances are this adventurous youngster has seen more of the world than many adults.
這位叫Vladimir Barbu的男孩只有四歲,但也許這位愛冒險的孩子去過的地方要比很多大人都要多。

That's thanks to his parents taking him on a four-month adventure through 41 European countries covering 17,000 miles - in a?trusty sidecar.

In total, the Romanian family - Mihai Barbu, 36, his girlfriend Oana and Vladimir - covered 17,398 miles during their trip, taking in sights like stunning snow-capped peaks in Switzerland and taking part in activities such as camel riding in the Moroccan desert.
這一家子——36歲的Mihai Barbu,他的女友Oana,還有Vladimir——途經(jīng)1萬7398英里,觀賞了瑞士雪山,體驗了在摩洛哥沙漠騎駱駝。

'In my opinion, motorcycles are the only option when it comes to travel and seeing the world,' photographer Mihai Barbu, who forked out £10,660 for the unusual mode of transport, told MailOnline Travel.
“在我看來,要環(huán)游世界,騎摩托車是唯一選擇,”攝影師Mihai Barbu這樣告訴《每日郵報·旅游版》。這個特別的交通工具花了他1萬660英鎊。

'I often look at the pictures and wonder if it's really us that did that,' he said. 'I can't say we have any future plans to hitting the road, but we dream a lot.'

英語君為大家選了好多很米膩很米膩的照片……重點不是美如畫的背景和一家三口幸??蓯鄣哪印?span style="line-height: 25.2000007629395px;">Vladimir Barbu……這么可愛真的是男孩子嗎?。?!
