These incredible snaps show a rare white giraffe grazing in the African bush.Omo the white giraffe has been spotted roaming around Tarangire National Park, in Tanzania, along with the rest of her herd - who don't seem to be bothered about her unusual colouring.

Ecologist Dr Derek Lee, founder and scientist at the Wild Nature Institute, caught the pale giraffe on camera.

Derek, 45, said: 'Omo is leucistic, meaning many of the skin cells are incapable of making a?pigment?but some are, so she is pale - but with red or blue eyes as a true albino would be.

'Omo is the only pale giraffe we are currently aware of, but we have also observed leucistic waterbuck, cape buffalo and ostrich in Tarangire'. 'Her chances of surviving to adulthood are good - but adult giraffe are regularly poached for bush meat, and her colouration might make her a target.

The pale giraffe enjoys roaming with a large group of regular coloured giraffe - who don't seem to mind her unusual colouring.

'We hope that she lives a long life and that some day she has calves of her own.'


@Kat Hohner:

Thanks for posting pictures and location so all the hunters have no problem finding it. It won't be rare for long.

@DM Reader:

My god, she's beautiful. I really hope that lovely giraffe lives a long and healthy life without being hunted.


This is stunning... Only issues is now the worlds vile hunters will have a new target thanks to so much publicity.


What a magnificent animal, absolutely BEAUTIFUL!!! My Favourites!!!
