Lauren Fontaine, 25, and Jake Bricknell, 31, met at a hostel in Northern Ireland:

She's from: New Port Richey, Florida

He's from: Loretto, Ontario

Relationship status: Married

"After I graduated college, I took off to Ireland for a five-month adventure. Barely two weeks in, this guy wandered into the hostel where I was staying, in Londonderry, Northern Ireland, and we started talking. We ended up exploring the town together for a few days, and right before he left, I gave him a code to work on — and he promised he'd come back for the answer if he couldn't figure it out before leaving for Canada.

Two weeks later, he showed up on the hostel doorstep, and later that night confessed that he felt something more. He stayed two more days before leaving to continue his travels. We promised to write, and I promised to visit when I got home. We wrote long letters on Facebook every day for two weeks, and one morning, he posted a photo of our 'spot' on my wall, along with a bottle of wine, a plate of truffles, and a note that read, 'If you're not busy…' I ran across Londonderry, and we had this movie moment of running into each other's arms. Turns out, he'd put everything on hold — rented his house, gotten leave from work — and he stayed in Ireland for all five months. We got engaged and married about a year after we returned to North America, and now we live in Canada and I'm still the happiest I've ever been."

—Lauren Fontaine
