When the wolf left, the first little pig and the second little pig turned to their brother and said. Are you crazy? He is going to eat you! He doesn’t want to eat carrots, he wants to eat you! The wolf will have to find me first. Don’t worry. Just wait and see. That night, the wolf was thinking to himself, finally, tomorrow I will be able to eat a tender, delicious pig. He fell asleep dreaming of pork chops, bacon and ham.
The next morning at five o’clock, the third little pig got up, so he could get to the carrot field before the wolf. Hey guys, come on! Aren’t you coming with me? No way! It’s too early, and we’re scared.
Okay, I will go by myself then. The third little pig was not worried at all. He knew what he was doing. He went to the field and picked carrots then quickly returned home. At exactly six o’clock, the wolf came to the house and knocked on the door. Who’s there? It’s me. Wolf! Let’s go find the carrots now. Oh, I’m sorry wolf. You are too late. I already went to the carrot field and I’m now making carrot soup.