


Writing: imagine a scenario or express your opinion
Inhale means to breathe in, to draw in air. What or who is inhaling? What is being inhaled? Where does the action take place?
This week's topic: They inhaled... (90-110 words)

1) inhaling a breath of fresh air atop the mountain
2) inhaling medication
3) inhaling during a health checkup
4) inhale scents of the flowers
5) Instead of writing a scenario, feel free to comment on the story below.


Shawn paused in his tracks and inhaled; his eyes widened a bit. Without mistake, he knew exactly what that scent was, even if it was only faintly lingering in the air. "Is everything okay?" the co-worker asked when he saw that Shawn stopped walking. "Yeah, yeah, everything's fine," Shawn replied before continued walking. Did the scent come from the person who just walked by? Well, it must have, as the fragrance was not there before the figure walked by... Shawn wondered to himself as he arrived on the floor of the meeting room.
