作者:Jay Jayson
2016-05-31 17:28
For four seasons, Jessica Lange was the cornerstone of American Horror Story. Despite being beloved by fans and showered with praise from critics, Lange chose not to return the series.
Jessica Lange(蘭姨)曾擔任《美國恐怖故事》系列1-4季的核心角色,盡管備受粉絲喜愛,影評也是贊不絕口,蘭姨正式宣布不會回歸美恐系列。
Jessica Lange explained that “four seasons of American Horror Story was plenty. Everything changed from one year to another which made it very interesting to me. But no, I think sometimes you come to the end of something and it has had its natural"
蘭姨證實道“ 四季《美國恐怖故事》令我收獲頗豐,對我而言,每一年每一季都能飾演不同角色是非常有趣的,但遺憾天下沒有不散的筵席。”
Morever, it is comfirmed that Lady Gaga will returning for the season 6!
- 相關熱點:
- 美劇
- 英語聽力
- 美劇新資訊
- 新概念英語第三冊學習筆記