1. Part-time Jobs for College Students

There has been much controversy over part-time jobs for college students. People who are against it hold that the sole purpose of higher education is for the students to acquire knowledge. If they are engaged in part-time job they will be invariably distracted from their studies and as a result they can not fulfill the requirements mapped out by the State Education Commission.

The writer, however, thinks that there are several advantages for college students involved in part-time jobs. Firstly, part-time jobs provide opportunities for students to contact society so as to know the situation of the talent market. For instance, if a student works as a part-time governess, he or she will know what kind of professionals are urgently needed by the market and this will help him to choose a future job. Secondly, there are some financial gains from part-time jobs. Since the reform was carried out, institutions of higher education have started to collect tuition fees from students. Needless to say this means another financial burden on parents. And part-time jobs can serve as a partial solution to this problem. Last but not least, part-time jobs can cultivate students\' sense of independence.

To sum up, part-time jobs can do a lot more good than bad to students as long as they can make best use of their time and raise the efficiency of their study.


最近有不少爭議,兼職大學生. .持反對意見的人士也認為,唯一的目的是高等教育,讓學生掌握知識..如果他們是從事兼職工作,他們將總是心神不定從他們的研究,由于它們不能滿足要求,制定了由國家教委..作者則認為,有幾個好處,為大學生從事兼職工作..首先,兼職的學生提供機會接觸社會,以了解情況的人才市場..舉例來說,如果一名學生擔任兼,他或她會知道什么樣的人才有迫切的需求,這將有助于他選擇未來的工作.其次,有一些財政收益兼職..改革開放以來,進行了高等教育機構已開始收取學費的學生. 不消說,這意味著又一個家長的經濟負擔. 而兼職可以作為一個部分解決這方面的問題. 最后但并非最不重要,兼職能培養(yǎng)學生的獨立感. 總之,兼職可以做很多好處多于壞學生,只要能善用他們的時間,提高工作效率,他們學習的.

2.Should College Students Be Allowed to Get Married?
There is no denying the fact that it is a hotly debated topic today whether college students should be allowed to get married. Some time ago, the ban was lifted by some universities on students getting married. To this people’s attitudes differ sharply. Some hold the positive view. They say that most college students are adults and that it is a basic right for those who have reached the appropriate ages to get married.
Many others, however, hold the opposite view. They claim that the university or college is a place to study instead of a community to lead a family life. Allowing college students to get married would adversely affect their study. For instance, they would spend too much time attending their family and love, unable to concentrate on their school work.