2009-08-26 01:15
Let Go of Dating Myths
Dating is exhausting and not worth my time. I'll never meet The One. All the good ones are taken.
These three statements are myths about dating that seriously require thought if they are going through your head. Dating isn't about negative thoughts; its about meeting as many interesting people as you can while having faith that you'll meet someone special.
Following this dating rule means you need to stop focusing on the person you are trying to meet, and focus on the spotlight instead on yourself.
Face Your Dating Fears
Feeling anxious or upset about the prospects of meeting someone new usually translates into fear. If the thoughts of never meeting someone special, being upset that your last partner refused to commit, or convincing yourself you aren't worth dating are taking over your thought processes, it is time to face your dating fears. By not following this dating rule and ignoring the issues, your inability to risk losing your heart will stop you from meeting someone special.
Learn How To Flirt
To attract new people, you'll need to show them you are interested - which means learning how to flirt. Virtually every single first encounter that leads to more starts with a smile, so this dating rule suggests smiling at everyone you encounter, without qualification. As well, understanding body language is a crucial part of meeting someone new and cannot be overlooked.
Accept All Dates
If you want to follow the rules of dating to meet someone new, its time to stop making snap decisions about the people who ask you out for a date. If someone asks you for coffee, it is your responsibility to accept it, barring any issues with safety of course. A date is just a date - not a marriage proposal. It'll only take an hour or two, and by accepting all dates you'll move closer to meeting someone special while perfecting your notions of what kind of person you'd like to have in your life.