
A few companies, of course, have fair, transparent, performance-based compensation systems that eliminate gender inequities.


But at most employers, expecting to be devalued can exact a big toll. A friend of mine says she underestimated her standing at work for years and paid a high price in her paycheck. She started at a low-paid entry-level job at her company and advanced quickly up the ladder. But she didn't ask for a raise for several years, only to find out later that she was making 50% less than peers with similar or less experience.


It came as a shock when I discovered how underpaid I was,' she says. 'I really shot myself in the foot by not being a self-promoter.' The lesson: If your employer lacks a systematic comp policy, 'you really have to self-promote and lobby for yourself if you care about your career or salary advancement,' my friend says.


My male peers have pointed out my own blind spots in this regard. Years ago, when I first learned how much a female executive at my company was paid, I marveled, 'Wow, that's a lot.' The male colleague who told me roared with laughter. 'You think that's a lot?' he asked me incredulously. 'That's half what men at her level make.'


Readers, do you have trouble promoting yourselves? Do you see women around you undervaluing their contributions? Does your workplace have transparent, performance-based advancement or compensation systems that help eliminate gender inequities? Or do workers of both genders have to do a lot of self-promotion to get ahead?

