2009秋季檔19部美劇新片簡介大匯總《絕望主婦》第六季第1集 好上加好播出日期: 2009年9月27日 “湯姆:嗯……什么味兒?林內特:絕望。湯姆:原來。我還以為是華夫餅。”“布麗:我們不能這么做。這是通奸。卡爾:還好我們都長大成人了?!?br>電視熒屏上最意味深長的首映集。“加布里埃爾:撩起來。所以說你們學校的醫(yī)務室護士是個產科醫(yī)生?!?br>這一季將觸及社會問題。“凱瑟琳:好啊,蘇珊。蘇珊:好吧,這事兒我可沒料到。”一場婚禮,兩個新娘?主婦大人們駕到! 【詳細版】2009秋季檔美劇播出時間一覽表Desperate Housewives episode 6.1 Nice Is Different Than GoodAirdate: 9/27/2009 "Tom: Mmm...What do I smell?Lynette: Despair.Tom: Oh. I thought it was waffles."
"Bree: We can't do this. It‘s adultery.Karl: Luckily we are both adults."
Television's most revealing premiere.
"Gaby:? Lift it up. That's why your school's nurse is an obstetrician."
Becomes the social event of the season
"Katherine: Hello, Susan.Susan: Okay, I did not see that one coming."
One WeddingTwo Brides?Here come the Wives.