Disney Presents - The Haunted Mansion


Welcome to haunted mansion! Celebrating 40 years of happy haunts!
......(creepy sound and images)

What's interesting about the haunted mansion is that it's something that Walt Disney imagined being part of Disneyland even before the park opened.

While lots of myths and legends about the haunted mansion, why it sat there for so many years before it opened.

But in reality, the engineers got very busy with the projects from the 1964-65 New York world's affair.

The haunted mansion was originally designed to be a walk-through experience, but after the fair, imagineers learned that we have to entertain more people. This attraction was gonna be a lot more popular. So with the things we learned from the New York world's Fair conveying yes, that led to the Omnimover which was used on the adventures through the space, and became the transportation device for the haunted mansion.

Guest often asked if it is haunted mansion, why isn't it creepy and frightening on the outside. But Walt's vision was that he wanted the exterier of the outside of the mansion be prestine, and interior would be dilapidated. He said, you know, we'll take care of the outside, and we'll let the ghost take care of the inside.

The haunted mansion gave a new aspect to the imagineering, which we call the illusionaring. For many years, Walt had Yale Chrisy and Roland Crump experimenting with new types of illusions that ultimately would allow us to see the ghost.

Hurry back...
