3.?Taking a contract job. If you have to choose between a contract job at a company where you really want to work and a permanent position at a less desirable company, taking the contract job is the bigger risk -- but could have the bigger payoff.
The key to your decision is "finding out every single thing that you can know" about the company, Beasley says. Assess your chances of being hired on permanently at the end of the contract.
4. Taking time off between jobs. This risk can have big personal payoffs. It can also give you time to explore new career options. You can make it less of a career risk by keeping your network current and having a compelling story to tell about what you did with your time.
5.Confronting your boss. Disagreeing with your boss in anger, without having thought through what you're going to say, is a foolish risk. But arranging a meeting with your boss outside of the office and offering a rehearsed, well-crafted explanation of how you feel can be a risk worth taking, Meshriy says.
You may not get the answer you want, but you will get better insight into your situation.
Whenever you are contemplating a risk, remember that doing nothing can also be risky.
"Your performance will suffer if you're not happy in your job, or an opportunity could slip away," Beasley said.