NO.1 我最近六個月一直宅在家里


表達難點:全球都經(jīng)濟危機了,找不到工作在家睡覺六個月算是什么丟人的事兒么?當然不是!不過您可千萬別實話實說---I have been unemployed/jobless in the past six months. 又不是演員試鏡,用不著把氣氛渲染得這么凄慘。

表述技巧:當你的工作經(jīng)歷中間有比較大段的時間空白的時候,面試官不可避免的會問到這段時間你的whereabouts。 這里應該盡量避免出現(xiàn)unemployed這種負面氣場比較強烈的詞。用一個詞組"in between jobs"就可以委婉地表示這樣的意思了。當然,最好的方式是告訴你的面試官:這半年雖然沒有正式的工作,我可是一直沒停止像金子一樣的發(fā)光!


What have you been doing since your last job?

I've worked on a few freelance projects, while still actively job seeking.

I volunteered for a coaching program that assists physically disadvantaged children.

My grandmother needed a temporary caregiver at the hospital and I spent time looking after her.

I took some continuing education classes and seminars, for example...
