給《阿凡達(dá)》挑刺兒 不靠譜的未來十大真相
2010-02-05 12:10
5. 22世紀(jì)澳洲口音大行天下。男主角的澳洲口音很是迷人,這點不錯滴。
5. Aussie-American Accents Are the Way of the 22nd Century? Good call, James Cameron, by letting Sam Worthington keep the Australian twang to his American accent. The actor’s voice maintains a pleasant consistency that wasn’t found in "Terminator Salvation" and recalls the tones of Mel Gibson. Maybe Cameron went a wee bit too far in that direction, though, in the "Braveheart" scene.
6. 海軍部隊長官的官腔還是老樣子。上校同志的好多臺詞口氣都跟上世紀(jì)80年代的片子無二異,好穿越啊……
6. Marine Cliches Survive, Too! “Get some!” cries one Marine. Meanwhile, virtually everything that villainous Colonel Miles Quaritch says, from “Pandora will s--- you out with zero warning” to “Nothing’s over while I’m breathing," sounds, well, like it’s taken from a 2009 action movie that’s nodding back to the genre’s 1980s heyday, which its creator helped establish. As a point of reference, here are a few military words and phrases popular in the mid-19th century. “Graveled” -- to be perplexed; “The pinch of the game” -- the defining moment; “Tight scratch” -- a difficult fight. I’m saying the tough guys of Avatar might do terse-talk we don’t quite understand. “Grub the Navs, chippers, I be blerkin the pnau-flerks out of ‘em!”
7. 要USB做啥?有頭發(fā)就夠了。在不久后的將來,你就能用你的頭發(fā)上傳數(shù)據(jù),下載信息,逗逗蜻蜓,玩玩花草……
7. Hair’s The New USB And you thought braided ponytails were only for acid casualties, time-warp-stuck yuppies and drummers in reggae bands? Think again, kiddo. In the future, whenever you want to upload or download a few files -- or sync with a flying dragon, or the planet in general -- you’ll reach for your hairbraid’s fibre-optic thingies. Hair stylists will price their weave work by the Tera-byte and connection speed.
8. 如果你住在尼日利亞或者委內(nèi)瑞拉那塊地兒,趕快搬了吧。在可憐的非洲國家人民啊,就因為他們地底下有珍貴物資就要遭遇強(qiáng)遷,沒天理!
8. If You Live In Nigeria or Venezuela: Move Sorry, Nigerians and Venezualans, but according to Cameron, you will some time soonish be receiving a visit from the U.S. Marine Corps and its hi-tech arsenal -- all because you live on top of something precious and have therefore become an enemy of the country-company. Hmm … Nigeria … Venezuela … what could it be, y’ail?
9. 外星人傻不拉機(jī)的,還喜怒無常。質(zhì)樸的納美人與動植物土地森林無比親近,但他們卻技術(shù)落后,用弓箭完全抵御不了暴力嘛!
9. Aliens Will Be Slow Learners and a Little Fickle The Na’vi have plenty of spiritual connections to Pandora, live in sweet symbiosis with the animals and plants, and are all-round athletic warriors. But they aren’t the brightest chameleons in the terrarium, as evidenced by their initial bow-and-arrow response to super-dooper hover-gunships. No offence, blue guys, but you’ve had -– oh –- decades to learn that firing your pointy sticks doesn’t work at that range. Thankfully, they can depend on the clans -- even if they never mention them in passing. Which makes me think our forest-dwelling heroes may be fair-weather Na'vi.
10. 風(fēng)水輪流轉(zhuǎn),終究回到原點。《阿凡達(dá)》在視覺感官上的曠古絕今不容置疑,但在劇情上,卻依舊沿襲了很多過去老電影中的橋段。大概是卡梅隆大導(dǎo)想要表現(xiàn)出人類從來不肯學(xué)乖的主題吧?
10. Future Verse, Same as the First I’m not the first and I won’t be the last to say it. "Avatar" is visually revolutionary, a technological step forward into the filmmaking future. But it’s also a liberal space-set cowboys & Indians story that echoes most obviously 1991’s "Dances With Wolves: and before that Jimmy Stewart’s 1950 western "Broken Arrow" and John Wayne’s 1953 3D effort "Hondo."Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Maybe it’s Cameron’s sly point: while the Na’vi learn slow, humans never learn.
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