It's Valentine's Day and you've received a card, but who's it from? Videojug shows you how to find out who sent you that secret Valentine's card with this easy step by step guide.
Step 1: You will need
·?The card 卡片
·?The envelope it came in 卡片信封
·?Some brain power 記憶力
Step 2: The delivery
How did you receive the Valentine's card? If it was hand delivered to your home, consider who you know who lives locally. If the Valentine's card was sent by mail to your house list who has access to your home address?
Have a look at the post mark on the front of the envelope, this may give you a clue to the area your admirer is from.
If the Valentine's card was left for you to find at work, it almost definitely would be from one of your colleagues. And chances are they would be keeping their eye on you to make sure you received it. This will narrow the field considerably.
Step 3: Assess the card
What type of Valentine's card is it? Romantic, humorous, cute, tacky, minimal or elaborate. Your admirer would have unwittingly selected a card that reflects their personality. For example, the hot photographer from the cafe would have very different tastes to your pub mate Stuart. From you list of suspects, who suits the card?
Step 4: Analyse the message
What exactly have they written. Your admirer will want to find out who they are, so will have hopefully left a clue. Think back to conversations you have had, does anything click?
Is the handwriting familiar to you? Don't put too much thought into this one as they may well have tried to disguised it.
Step 5: Probe the suspects
By now you must have reduced your list down to a few key players. Find a time when you are alone with each of them and casually bring up the subject of Valentine's Day. Mention you received an anonymous card and watch their reaction. If they look non pulsed, chances are that it wasn't from them. If they blush, or show a lot of interest -you're on the right track.
Next, ask if they sent any cards. If they say 'No,' drop the subject and move on. If they did, ask to who. This is perfect because if it was to someone else you can feign interest as they tell you all about her with out losing face, but if it was to you, they must come clean.
It's now down to you to decide whether you want to take things further with your secret admirer or not. We'll leave you to it.