Hints: whistle rookery plaintive entreaties regurgitates King Penguin pre-breed moult ritualized

A returning adult may spend hours looking for its chick among such a crowd, for the young are inclined to wander. The chick will respond to its parent's call and the parent to the chick's whistle. Eventually they meet. But instead of feeding the chick straight away, the adult leads it through the rookery as if to test the bond between them. At last, in response to its chick's plaintive entreaties, the parent regurgitates a meal of squid.
A King Penguin chick takes more than 12 months to rear. That means that the adults can't breed annually. At best they raise two chicks every three years. Because of this, the breeding cycle of any one pair slides out of phase with the seasons. So now, late in winter, there are chicks both young and old, and adults at different stages in their cycle. Some of the adults are going through their pre-breeding moult before going to sea to fatten up for courtship. Others are already courting, parading back and forth with a special ritualized walk.
