After finishing their long program in 2007 World Championship, Hongbo Zhao did something special that surprised all people --- Proposal to his 15-year partner Xue Shen.


This is the scene of ending pose of their program. Hongbo Zhao knelt down, which you can rarely see in ending poses in their previous programs. After the game we (reporter) learnt that the action he made was actually proposing to Xue Shen. It's a pitty that Xue Shen didn't get him since she was too excited then. (and because there's no ring? ^_^) Later the couple disclosed that they might get married in 2008.


Hongbo Zhao: I've been with Little Xue for 15 years and there's sincere and long-lasting relationship between us since we overcame together so many difficulties. It's not easy for us to have such a perfect season before retirement. I think it might be the most romantic thing to propose to her at the end of such a fantastic performance. (Xue smiles).


Xue: Over the years we're used to be low-profile about our relationship, whenever we were lovers or not. As our career comes to an end, many things turn clear now. So we decide to disclose it as promised. (Upon repeated questions on their relationship, they promised previously that they would surely let the audience know when becoming couple.)


Interviewer: When will the wedding be?

Hongbo/Xue: Probably next year (2008).

記者:什么時候會辦婚禮吧。 宏博/小雪:可能明年吧。(2008年)



2010年9月高級口譯春季班 ?



