Tim Burton's big-screen adaptation of Alice In Wonderland hitted theaters Friday, March 5, and it seems like the whole world—including lil' old me—has gone crazy for all-things Wonderland. Regardless, I've been on the hunt for curiouser and curiouser Alice-themed items, and it's finally time to share my favorite picks with you. Take some more tea and check 'em out!
劉易斯·卡羅爾的《愛麗絲夢游仙境》原著,Camille Rose Garcia手繪版:就算你早已經(jīng)讀過了原著,你肯定沒讀過這么詭異的插圖版本吧?如此猙獰的愛麗絲,恐怕會讓Lewis Carroll本人都大跌眼鏡?。▍⒖純r:9.93美金)
Alice's Adventures In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, illustrations by Camille Rose Garcia:? Even if you've already read Alice In Wonderland, you've never read it like this! Camille Rose Garcia's tripped-out illustrations make Alice's adventures pop off the page like never before, and we have a feeling that if Lewis Carroll could see the newest version of his literary masterpiece, he'd be beyond stoked. (, $9.93)
Disney Alice In Wonderland Red Queen Keyhole Bag: This red-canvas bag is plastered with a black-heart print and pleather trim. No one's gonna mess with you when you're sporting this tough-as-nails regal tote. Just ask the Queen Of Hearts, whose no-nonsense face appears on the front of the bag. (Hot Topic, $39.99)
Thomas Paul Clock Scarf: What time is it? You'll want to look at a watch for that. However, you'll always sport a timeless look with this cotton gauze scarf. (Burke Decor, $24.50)
Disney Alice In Wonderland Cheshire Cat Face T-Shirt: Your creepy T-shirt collection isn't complete without this Cheshire Cat tee. Warning: Don't be surprised if you scare small children—and a couple elderly people—when you wear this. It sure gives me the heebie-jeebies—but in a good way. (Hot Topic, $19)
The Tom Binns For Alice In Wonderland Keyhole Rose Ring: I love this ring because it's trendy enough to fashionably celebrate the movie but classic enough to still wear long after the film hits my Netflix queue. (Karmaloop, $50)