- [英語聽力] 美文聽寫:我是一個夢想家
我是一個夢想家,一個快樂的夢想家。I am a dreamer. I wish I have endless power . When you want to take a picture, I can be your camera. When it is bad weather, I can be your umbrella. ...
- [英語聽力] 美文聽寫:愛你沒商量
無論貧窮還是富有、健康還是疾病,你都會愛ta嗎?It was Friday morning and a young businessman finally decided to ask his boss for a raise. Before leaving for work, he told his wife what he was abou...
- [英語聽力] 美文聽寫:愛你沒商量
無論貧窮還是富有、健康還是疾病,你都會愛ta嗎?It was Friday morning and a young businessman finally decided to ask his boss for a raise. Before leaving for work, he told his wife what he was abou
- [英語聽力] 美文聽寫:比山更高的是人
比路更長的是腳,比山更高的是人!A mountain was holding up its head and throwing its chest. "Oh, how short you are! But what of great stature I am! I am so high and big. Be quick and prostrate you...
- [英語聽力] 美文聽寫:辯論無贏家
辯論無贏家,為啥呢?You can't win an argument. You can't because if you lose it, you lose it; and if you win it, you lose it. Why? Well, suppose you triumph over the other man and shoot his argum...
- [英語聽力] 美文聽寫:犯錯誤沒什么大不了的
每個人都會犯錯誤,當你犯錯的時候是自怨自艾、悔恨內疚呢,還是吸取教訓、奮發(fā)向上呢?Making mistakes is something we all do, and I am still a fine and worthwhile person when I make them. There is no...
- [英語聽力] 美文聽寫:你無須愛我
每個人都渴望被人愛,可是當你發(fā)現(xiàn)你盡了最大的努力還是無法做到讓每個人都喜歡你,會怎么樣呢?Not everybody has to love me or even like me. I don't necessarily like everybody I know, so why should ev...
- [英語聽力] 美文聽寫:失敗是件好事
人們常說:“失敗是成功之母。”失敗的力量果真有那么大嗎?Success is boring. Success is proving that you can do something that you already know you can do, or doing something correctly the first ti...
- [英語聽力] 美文聽寫:失敗是件好事
人們常說:“失敗是成功之母?!笔〉牧α抗嬗心敲创髥幔縎uccess is boring. Success is proving that you can do something that you already know you can do, or doing something correctly the first ti
- [英語聽力] 美文聽寫:農夫和種子
人們常說:“種瓜得瓜,種豆得豆”。是這樣嗎?We are all in the position of the farmer. If we plant a good seed, we reap a good harvest. If our seed is poor and full of weeds, we reap a useless cro...