- [英語聽力] Quora精選:哪些人生信條我們需謹記?
hat are the most aluable things eeryone should kno?有哪些最重要的事情是每個人都必須知道的? 獲得1.3k好評的答案@Jordan B Peterson Tell the truth.說實話。 Do not do things that you hate.不要做
- [英語聽力] 有聲雙語美文:這樣的慰藉就夠了,就是幸福
Eeryday as a struggle physically. The heat as oppressie in the Summer and the cold as constant in the inter.每天的工作都很繁重。夏天異常炎熱,冬天持續(xù)寒冷。 My back ould burn ith pain from t
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- [英語閱讀] Quora精選:生活中最艱難的事
本文朗讀配樂:@carlos hat are the hardest things to do in life?生活中最艱難的事是什么? 獲得20.9k好評的答案@Shikhar Agaral To decide hether to "moe on" or "try harder".決
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- [英語聽力] 有聲雙語美文:你不了解別人的人生,勿妄斷
A 24 year old boy seeing out from the train’s indo shouted…一個24歲的男孩子望著車窗外,大聲說…… -“Dad, look the trees are going behind!”-“爸爸,