- [英語聽力] 有聲雙語美文:有一種貧窮,叫做短視
- [英語聽力] 有聲雙語美文:自由生活的權力,比什么都重要
- [英語聽力] 有聲雙語美文:有能力幫助別人,是一種幸福
The hummingbird as lost in the supermarket, exhausted, staring, and near death as it spiraled toards the ground on helpless ings. 一只蜂鳥在超市里迷路了,它疲憊不堪且饑餓難耐,由于無力揮動雙
- [英語聽力] 有聲雙語美文:學會拒絕,你才能走得更遠
If you don't ant to do something for somebody, you should manage to say "No." in the first place.如果你不想為一個人做什么事情,你一開始就應該說“不。” The moment you
- [英語聽力] 有聲雙語美文:巴菲特最睿智的一句話
- [英語聽力] 有聲雙語美文:我結婚了,但是并不快樂
I got married hen I as 23 years old, and for a hile I as unhappy. I couldn't break up our marriage cuz I had alays belieed diorce as not an option. So I tried to lie one day at a time, no
- [英語聽力] 有聲雙語美文:別被悲傷擊倒,它是你的力量
Seen years ago, my ife and I had to take our fie eek old daughter off of life support, by far the hardest and most painful decision of our life. Our daughter, Alle Shea, as born ith the rare
- [英語聽力] 有聲雙語美文:有時候,快樂不必舍近求遠
I’e lied in my condo for 15 years no—long enough that I don’t een see it anymore. I started dreaming about moing into a house, here I as bound to be happier. 我在我的公寓住
- [英語聽力] 有聲雙語美文:有些幸福,是不期而遇的
In a kitschy bar in Cambridge, he asked to sit at my table, though later he ould insist that I made the first moe. 在劍橋的一間俗氣的酒吧,他借坐我旁邊,盡管后來他非說是我先對他有意思的。 I
- [英語聽力] 有聲雙語美文:30歲以前請明白這10個道理