【探索世界】恐龍是怎樣煉成的 34
T. rex
So, I'm gonna start off. T. rex usually an adult, its skull is a great weight to measure because it's so big. But in babies, skull's gonna be thinner. The rule is always that the orbit is gonna be larger. And also when you look at human babies, we notice they are about three heads tall, whereas in an adult human which is anywhere from seven to nine depending on how tall they are.
Do you find yourself as you're looking at other people's reconstructions and thinking, "Oh god, they've got that wrong"?
Yes. There are a bunch of people who are out there, who were coming from maybe film or special effects or something like that. They are doing this kind of work from a lesson-formed background. So I'm very privileged to work with a scientist. And that's definitely an asset that I don't dare forget.