
Each year, the Nobel Prize aims to reward those who've have made important contributions to science and humanity. As a result, British scientist Robert Edwards has won this year's Nobel Prize in Medicine for his research on invitro fertilization.

The Nobel Medicine Prize Committee decided to award this year's Nobel Prize in medicine to Robert Edwards for his contribution to the development of invitro fertilization.

Robert Edwards, an 85-year-old professor emeritus at the University of Cambridge, started working on invitro fertilization in 1950s.

He developed the technique, in which egg cells are fertilized outside the body and implanted in the womb. The first tube baby was born in 1978. That breakthrough has helped millions of infertile couples have children.

The Nobel medicine committee says Edwards' achievements have made it possible to treat infertility, a medical condition afflicting a large proportion of humanity, including more than 10 percent of all couples worldwide.
