Bruce Springsteen是美國70年代以來大紅大紫的搖滾樂巨星之一。到了90年代,他依然光彩照人,余音裊裊。
Springsteen and his first manager Mike Appel decided to record the album at the low-priced, out-of-the-way 914 Sound Studios to save as much as possible of the Columbia Records advance and cut the record in a single week.
On November 22nd, 2009, Greetings from Asbury Park, NJ was played in its entirety for the first time by Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band, at the HSBC Arena in Buffalo, New York, to celebrate the last show of the Working on a Dream tour.
專輯《來自阿斯貝里公園的祝?!?Greeting from Asbary Park)面世。但是這些源于民謠的歌曲并未引起樂迷的興趣,唱片僅銷售出5萬多張。同年,11月的專輯《野蠻.無知和東大街的混亂》(The Wild,The Inncocent And The E.Steet Shuffle)仍然沒有達到預期的結果。
1975年9月,Bruce Springsteen在新專輯《為跑而生》(Born to Run)終于沖上了排行榜的第三位,他本人則成為舉世公認的搖滾樂明星。10月,Bruce Springsteen的照片同時在《時代》(Time)和《新星期》(Newweek)兩家雜志上刊出,名氣大振。就在這一年,為擴大影響,Bruce Springsteen和他的樂隊不失時機地在美國的各地不斷地舉行巡回演出。