On September 10th we reported that people will pay more for snacks within reach. Now, another finding for the shopping science files -- when you're trying to decide between two snacks on the shelf, chances are you'll choose the one you look at just ____1____ longer. The study appears in the journal Nature Neuroscience.
Researchers recruited 39 students who are self-professed snack food ____2____. They had the students fast for three hours, before rating the tastiness of snack foods like candy and chips. Then they asked the students to choose between pairs of snack foods they had previously rated as ____3____. And they tracked the subject's eye movements.
Just like when you're ____4____ in front of a grocery store shelf, the students looked back and forth several times, usually glancing first at the snack on the left. But 70 percent of the time, they ended up choosing the snack food they looked at for just a half-second longer. Which probably confirms something packaging designers have known for a while now - flashy, eye-catching wrappers could ____5____ studying a snack for a bit longer - and, they hope, throwing it in our cart.
a fraction of a second junkies more or less equally desirable hovering lure us into
上期節(jié)目我們報道說人們會花更多的錢買下觸手可及的小零食,今天又來了一份有關(guān)購物的科學研究——當你為貨架上的兩種小食品搖擺不定時,你的目光在其中之一上停留的時間哪怕只多了幾分之一秒,它也會成為你的必然之選。這項研究發(fā)表在《自然神經(jīng)科學》雜志上。 研究人員招募了39名自稱是“零食大王”的學生,先讓他們禁食三小時,然后給他們糖果、薯片之類的零食讓他們品評。之后,他們找出幾組零食,每組都有兩個先前已被品評且基本在同一品級上的零食,再讓這些零食大王們二選一,而研究人員則追蹤他們的視線。 就好像在雜貨店的貨架前猶豫不定一樣,這些學生反復思量,通常會先看一眼左邊的零食。但在七成的情況下,他們最終會選擇自己目光停留時間比較長的零食——雖然僅有半秒。這或許印證了包裝設(shè)計者如今早已了然于心的理念——花里胡哨、吸引眼球的包裝可以引誘我們對其打量更長的時間——而最終,當然也是他們所設(shè)想的,我們把這包零食丟進了購物車。