2011-07-20 06:30
Some scientists say that Arctic summers might be ice-free within the next decade. [-----1-----] Wieslaw Maslowski of the Naval Post-Graduate School spoke to EarthSky about an accelerating melting of 'multi-year ice'. That's thick, old ice that didn't used to melt from season to season.
Wieslaw Maslowski: We're suggesting that sometime between 2010 and 2016, we might melt all this multi-year ice cover during summer in the Arctic.
Other estimates have predicted we won't see ice-free summers for decades yet. But Maslowski said that these estimates don't [-----2-----] the loss of ice thickness.
Wieslaw Maslowski: This total volume loss, which is mostly controlled by the ice thickness loss, has been basically twice as fast as the surface loss observed from the satellite.
Maslowski said the Arctic ice loss is a continually accelerating cycle that's being [-----3-----] by global warming. When the Arctic sun shines on open water, rather than reflective ice, the ocean absorbs and stores more of the sun's heat. [-----4-----]
Wieslaw Maslowski: It's basically a positive [-----5-----], which is saying that one change leads to even further changes.
You've been listening to Oceanographer Wieslaw Maslowski, who predicts an ice-free Arctic in the summer time within a decade.
I am Joel Block for E&S, a clear voice for science. We are at E&S. org.
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Warmer ocean temperatures melt the ice from below, while warmer air temperatures melt it from above.
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