科學60秒:食無苦, 飯無憂
2011-07-31 10:00
A food additive that blocks our bitter taste receptors could make foods like broccoli more palatable. Karen Hopkin reports
They say you should take the bitter with the sweet. But if you’re not a big fan of bitter, chemists have just the [---1---] for you. Oh, you’ll still have to take the bitter. But you won’t have to taste it. Because scientists have [---2---] a new and improved “bitter blocker.” They [---3---] at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society.
Our taste buds allow us to detect sweet and sour, salty and savory, and, of course, bitter. Of that set of taste sensations, bitterness, most agree, is the most disagreeable. And we can thank (or blame) evolution. We likely find bitter bad because many toxic substances are bitter. So an [---4---] to bitter may have helped our ancestors survive.
Problem is, plenty of healthful foods are bitter, too. Take broccoli and kale. (Please.) The standard solution, drowning out the bitter with butter, sort of [---5---] the veggies’ health food status.
Rather than getting rid of the bitter, chemists came up with a compound that simply blocks our receptors for the bitter molecules, and our ability to taste them. So you may not need that spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down. Or the broccoli.
They say you should take the bitter with the sweet. But if you’re not a big fan of bitter, chemists have just the [---1---] for you. Oh, you’ll still have to take the bitter. But you won’t have to taste it. Because scientists have [---2---] a new and improved “bitter blocker.” They [---3---] at the national meeting of the American Chemical Society.
Our taste buds allow us to detect sweet and sour, salty and savory, and, of course, bitter. Of that set of taste sensations, bitterness, most agree, is the most disagreeable. And we can thank (or blame) evolution. We likely find bitter bad because many toxic substances are bitter. So an [---4---] to bitter may have helped our ancestors survive.
Problem is, plenty of healthful foods are bitter, too. Take broccoli and kale. (Please.) The standard solution, drowning out the bitter with butter, sort of [---5---] the veggies’ health food status.
Rather than getting rid of the bitter, chemists came up with a compound that simply blocks our receptors for the bitter molecules, and our ability to taste them. So you may not need that spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down. Or the broccoli.
touted their triumph
cancels out
食無苦, 飯無憂
人們都說, 吃完苦的再吃點甜的. 不過, 如果你討厭吃苦的話,化學家們正好有辦法可以幫你. 當然, 苦你還是要吃, 只是你卻嘗不出苦的味道. 因為科學家們搗鼓出一種新的改良版"食無苦", 并在美國化學學會全國會議上成功推出.
我們的味蕾可以識別出酸甜味和咸香味, 當然, 還有所有味覺中公認最不受歡迎的苦味. 我們也許應該感謝(亦或是歸咎于)這種人類的進化, 或許因為很多有毒物質是苦的, 所以才覺得苦味有害. 也許正因為對苦味的反感而我們的祖先得以存活下來.
問題又來了, 許多對健康有益的食物, 比如說花椰菜和甘藍也是苦的. (音樂.) 一般的解決方案就是用黃油蓋過其苦味,當然多多少少也會影響到蔬菜的營養(yǎng)成分了.
科學家們認為, 與其去掉苦味, 不如研發(fā)一種化合物讓我們與苦味隔絕,嘗不到苦味. 這樣一來, 你就不需要用滿勺的糖來幫你咽下苦藥了.