
Today, mosquito-borne diseases – such as malaria and dengue fever – are major health problems in the developing world. But by the end of the century, over half of the world's population might be at risk from these diseases, according to a 2008 report by the Lowry Institute. Dr. Paul Epstein says one reason is the current climate instability.

Paul Epstein:[---1---] It's the instability that is most disturbing to the pests, to the world and to mosquitoes – or the most favorable to them.

Epstein is associate director for the Center for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard. [---2---] He told EarthSky that our warming climate is allowing mosquitoes to expand their range – along with the diseases they carry.

Paul Epstein: So as we see warming, we're seeing malaria, and dengue fever and its vectors move into mountainous areas in Asia, Latin America, and Africa. [---3---]


I'm Deborah Byrd and this is ES, a clear voice for science. We’re at

We have to focus on stabilizing the climate. He researches the health impacts of climate change. And at the same time we see floods that leave a cluster of problems like water-borne disease, mosquito-borne disease, and even rodent-borne disease. At the root of all these issues, he said, is the climate instability caused by warming temperatures.