
Gary Strobel: There aren't any other organisms that I know of that do this interesting little trick.

You're listening to Gary Strobel, professor of plant sciences at Montana State University. [---1---] Strobel discovered the fungus – by chance – in 2002 in a rainforest of southern Chili.

Gary Strobel: [---2---]


Gary Strobel: [---6---]

I'm Deborah Byrd from E&S, a clear voice for science.

He's talking about a fungus that can turn straw and leaves into many of the hydrocarbons found in diesel fuel. So, the fungus first of all breaks down the material, and then in the ways that we're not completely sure of yet, it does the conversion to these relatively short-chain reduced gases, basically the components of diesel. Strobel thinks that with more research, the fungus could prove to be a prolific source of clean, renewable energy. He pointed out that this process uses waste material, and that the starting material literally costs nothing in the form of straw, leaves, and so on. He said he hopes that his discovery will alert people to the importance of preserving the world's rainforests. Another hugely important use of these natural landscapes is the microorganisms that live there and the promise they have for mankind.