2012-01-03 20:29
At the dawn of time, the universe explodes into existence from absolutely nothing into everything. But everything is actually a single point, infinitely small, unimaginably hot, a super-dense speck of pure energy. __________ The entire observable universe was a millionth of a billionth of a centimeter across at that time. Everything was compressed into an incredibly hot, dense region.
At the dawn of time, the universe explodes into existence from absolutely nothing into everything. But everything is actually a single point, infinitely small, unimaginably hot, a super-dense speck of pure energy. __________ The entire observable universe was a millionth of a billionth of a centimeter across at that time. Everything was compressed into an incredibly hot, dense region.
The Big Bang was so immense that it brought into existence all of the mass and all of the energy contained in all of the 400 billion galaxies we see in our universe in a region smaller than the size of a single atom.