2012-02-17 23:29
本文選自雅思聽力Section 1,難度比較容易
Days Road
Carberry and Thomas Street
Thomas Street
I think that will really improve the look of the area, as well as being safer. That's good to know, but will that mean an increase in rates for the local businesses in that area? Well, the power company have agreed to bear the cost of this themselves after a lot of discussion with the council. This is wonderful news as the council now has some extra funds for us to put into other things like tree planting and art work. Now, we've also put together a map which we've sent out to all the residents in the area. And on the map we've marked the proposed changes. Firstly, we'll plant mature pine trees to provide shelter and shade just to the right of the supermarket in Days Road. In order to address the traffic problems, the pavements on the corner of Carberry and Thomas Street will be widened. This will help to reduce the speed of vehicles entering Thomas Street. We think it's very important to separate the local residential streets from the main road. So the roadway at the entry to Thomas Street from Days Road will be painted red. This should mark it more clearly and act as a signal for traffic to slow down.