
A: __1__.
B: I honor your victory. With prayer.
A: Your instruction made possible reunion with my wife. I would raise cups in gratitude.
B: The sentiment is well received. But wine has not passed my lips for many years.
A: Your gods forbid it?
B: No. __2__.
A: Sura always cautioned toward the same.
B: A wise woman.
A: Far beyond the station of her husband. If she had not come into my life…
B: And now she returns. __3__.
A: Sura would say the same.
B: And you?
A: The gods and I do not tread common ground. Although she made effort many times to place us at even footing.
B: __4__. To love a man despite his shortcomings…
A: She is the only reason my heart beats within my chest.
B: To find love such as this... A rare and fortunate thing.
A: __5__?
I bring cups, full of celebration It is a matter of discipline The gods have truly blessed you Wise and understanding You speak from knowledge
A:我是來慶祝的,還帶了酒。 B:我敬佩你的勝利。正禱告著呢。 A:多虧了你我才有可能和妻子團聚。萬分感激而敬你一杯。 B:你的心意我領了。但我已經多年不沾酒了。 A:是因為信仰嗎? B:不是。是原則的問題。 A:Sura也常這樣警告我。 B:賢惠的女人。 A:與丈夫相隔萬里。如果我的生命沒有她的話…… B:現(xiàn)在不是要回來了嘛。真是神明保佑啊。 A:Sura也會這么說的。 B:你呢? A:我總是跟神對著干。雖然她多次勸我不要大逆不道。 B:好個通情達理的賢惠女人。唉一個人就愛他的全部…… A:她是我活下去的唯一理由。 B:塵世間還能有這樣的愛……幾輩子修來的福分啊。 A:你很清楚???