With the Season 5 premiere of “Once Upon a Time” a little more than a month awa
y, ABC has started unleashing specially crafted teasers for fans and audience suc
h as an appearance by cast and crew at Disney’s D23 Expo on Saturday (Aug. 15) an
d now a first look at the opening scene from Season 5.

The nearly two-minute clip picks up right where the season finale left off, when E
mma was sucked into that dark tornado. Hook, who Regina sarcastically refers to a
s “guyliner,” tries to summon the Dark One back to him but is unsuccessful becau
se – gasp! – Emma is no longer “in this world.”

The official synopsis for Season 5 reads: “‘Once Upon a Time’s’ savior has gon
e dark! As Emma Swan transitions into her role as the Dark One, join the residen
t fairy tale characters as they cope with Emma’s new role and begin the search fo
r Merlin. This is a journey that will take our heroes from the Enchanted Forest t
o Camelot and along the way bring many surprises, including Merida from ‘Brav
e,’ as ‘Once Upon a Time’ introduces its first Pixar character.”

“Once Upon a Time” Season 5 premieres on Sunday, Sept. 27 at 8 p.m. ET/PT on ABC.