我自己聽得亂亂的,大概聽到完整的一半吧 I know this neighborhood. I got beat up in that alley. You just don't know when to give up? I can do this all day. Do you have something against running away? You start running, they'll never let you stop. You're really gonna do this now? There are men laying down theie lives. I've got no right to do any less than them. I can offer you a chance. Our goal is to create a new breed of super soldier When you brought a 90 pound asthmatic onto my army base I let it slide I am looking for qualities beyond the physical You win wars with guts Grenade everybody down is it a test he's still skinny whatever happens ,stay who you are,not just a soldier .but a good man is it too late to go to the bathroom we actually did it who the hell are you the first of many Hydra is the Nazi deep science division, led by Johamn Schmidt he thinks he's a god and he's willing to blow up half the world to prove it we're not even close to this technology i ask for an army and all I got was you congratulations,you just got promoted Mr.Stark I had some ideas about the uniform hey ,you are gonna get so many girls caption, we are much alike i don't know if i can do this you won't be alone what made you so special? nothing ,I'm just a kid from Brooklyn you are late nobody's perfect 這是我在網(wǎng)上找到的視頻,有字幕的,基本是沒錯的,你可以參考看看 網(wǎng)址http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMjc5OTE0MDI0.html
—— gotogether12
額,我也沒全聽下來,大概是 what happens? ** you are not just so much BUT, I would, In how did it feel? (taller)? what do you think? think it work(ed)
—— 波比小蘭
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