《愛情筆記》是一部細膩生動的戀愛過程全記錄。 其間,才子德波頓細述一段情緣中的邂逅、迷戀、平凡中的幸福、熟悉后的倦怠、女友移情別戀、挽回無望、自殺、醒悟,以至一段情完全成為過去。他認真思辯自己的感覺,忠實記下與女友交往中的各個細節(jié),特別是心理和哲學層面的思考,文字生動、處處機鋒,不僅有極大的閱讀樂趣,閱畢更令人回味無窮。

作者簡介:阿蘭·德波頓(Alain de Botton),英倫才子型作家,生于1969年,畢業(yè)于劍橋大學,現(xiàn)住倫敦。著有小說《愛情筆記》(1993)、《愛上浪漫》(1994)、《親吻與訴說》(1995)及散文作品《擁抱逝水年華》(1997)、《哲學的慰藉》(2000)、《旅行的藝術》(2002)。他的作品已被譯成二十幾種文字。(以上介紹轉自一舟博客)

?1,?She didn't turn to look at me, but took my hand in hers and squeezed it for a moment.

squeeze:擠壓,壓榨 【常用短語】squeeze out 榨出, 榨取 【例句】It was a tight squeeze but we finally got all the clothes into the case. 箱子已經很滿了,但我們還是把衣服全塞進去了。

?2,?'Don't flatter yourself, it's not for you I did this, I eat like this every weekend.'

flatter:奉承,諂媚 【常用短語】flatter oneself 自以為是, 自鳴得意 【例句】He flattered her about her cooking. 他恭維她的烹調手藝。

?3,?Her lie was symptomatic of a certain pride she took in mocking the romantic, in being unsentimental, matter of fact, stoic, yet at heart, she was the opposite: idealistic, dreamy, giving, and deeply attached to everything she liked verbally to dismiss as mushy.

mock:嘲笑,模仿 【常用短語】mock sun n. [氣]幻日, 假日 【例句】We should not mock at other people's religious beliefs. 我們不應該嘲笑別人的宗教信仰。

?4,?In the course of a supremely mushy breakfast, I realized something that might perhaps have seemed obvious, but that struck me as both unexpected and complicated: that Chloe had begun to feel for me a little of what I had for many weeks felt for her.

feel for:為...而有; 用手摸著找...; 對...有感情; 體諒

?5,?Objectively, this was not an unusual thought, but in falling in love with her, I had somehow entirely overlooked the possibility of reciprocation.

reciprocation:往復運動,互換,報答 【常用短語】reciprocation pump 往復泵 【例句】But in the higher control of mind and development of intellectual?and spiritual reciprocation, you are somewhat inferior. 但是更高的心智控制和智力的發(fā)展以及靈性互換,你們稍微有些差強人意。
