
本書原文由古希臘文而作,英文版選擇比較權威的George Long的版本,中文版選擇何懷宏的版本作參考。筆記中的英文釋義摘自《牛津高階英漢雙解詞典》

馬可?奧勒留(Marcus Aurelius,公元121—180年),著名的“帝王哲學家”,古羅馬帝國皇帝,在希臘文學和拉丁文學、修辭、哲學、法律、繪畫方面受過很好的教育,晚期斯多葛學派代表人物之一。奧勒留也許是西方歷史上唯一的一位哲學家皇帝。他是一個比他的帝國更加完美的人,他的勤奮工作最終并沒有能夠挽救古羅馬,但是他的《沉思錄》卻成為西方歷史上的偉大名著。


7.1?WHAT is badness? It is that which thou hast often seen. And on the occasion of everything which happens keep this in mind, that it is that which thou hast often seen. Everywhere up and down thou wilt find the same things, with which the old histories are filled, those of the middle ages and those of our own day; with which cities and houses are filled now. There is nothing new: all things are both familiar and short-lived.

7.2?How can our principles become dead, unless the impressions (thoughts) which correspond to them are extinguished? But it is in thy power continuously to fan these thoughts into a flame. I can have that opinion about anything, which I ought to have. If I can, why am I disturbed? The things which are external to my mind have no relation at all to my mind.- Let this be the state of thy affects, and thou standest?erect. To recover thy life is in thy power. Look at things again as thou didst use to look at them; for in this consists the recovery of thy life.

erect?[adj]1?(formal)?in a vertical position
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?2?(of the penis or nipples)?larger than usual, stiff and standing up because of sexual excitement

7.3?Is my understanding sufficient for this or not? If it is sufficient, I use it for the work as an instrument given by the universal nature. But if it is not sufficient, then either I retire from the work and give way to him who is able to do it better, unless there be some reason why I ought not to do so; or I do it as well as I can, taking to help me the man who with the aid of my ruling principle can do what is now fit and useful for the general good. For whatsoever either by myself or with another I can do, ought to be directed to this only, to that which is useful and well suited to society.

7.4?To the rational animal the same act is according to nature and according to reason.






