經 濟 學家 econom ist

企業(yè)家 entrepreneur

經濟全球化 economic globalization

區(qū)域性自由貿區(qū) regional free trade area

經濟特區(qū) special economic zone

計劃經濟 planned economy

市場經濟 market economy

市場調節(jié) market regulation

市場多元化 market diversification

推動經貿合作 to boost economic and trade cooperation

商界 business communities

互惠互利 mutual benefit

共同繁榮 common prosperity

總需求 aggregate/total demand

總供給 aggregate supply

供過于求 supply exceeding demand

擴 大內需 to expand domestic demand

購買力 purchasing power

團購 group buying

財政預算 financial budget

耐用消費品 durable consumer goods

年末促銷 year-end promotion

壟斷 monopoly

壟斷行業(yè) monopoly industry

市場占有率 market share

生產力,生產率 productivity

經濟增長放緩 economic slowdown

國有企業(yè) state-owned enterprises (SOEs)

集體企業(yè) collectively-owned (partnership) enterprises

私營企業(yè) private businesses

民營企業(yè) privately-run businesses

中小企業(yè) small and medium-sized enterprises

民間資本 private capital

民間投資 private investment

泡沫經濟 bubble economy

經濟過熱 overheating of economy

通貨膨脹 inflation

實體經濟 the real economy

外匯儲備充足 sufficient foreign exchange reserve

國內/國際貿易 domestic/international trade

對外貿易 foreign trade

貿易條件 terms of trade

不公平競爭 unfair competition

海關 customs

關稅 customs duty

水貨,走私貨 smuggled goods

產品質量 product quality

高度評價 to speak highly of

物美價廉 competitive price and superior quality

銷置,銷售額 sales

存貨,庫存量 stocks

金融組織 financial institution

商業(yè)信譽 commercial reputation

管理機制 management mechanism

改善服務 to improve services

延長保修期 to extend maintenance

制造商,制造廠 manufacturer

原材料 raw material

樣品 sample

大規(guī)模生產 mass production

年產量 annual output

勞動力密集型產業(yè) labour intensive industry

知識密集型產業(yè) knowledge intensive industry

工作歧視 discrimination in workplace

高消耗、高投入 high consumption, high investment

沿襲……模式 to continue with the model of …

住房抵押貸款 residential mortgage loan

分期付款 to pay by installment

信貸緊縮 credit squeeze

取錢 to withdraw money

利率 interest rate

找工作 to hunt for a job; job hunting

招聘廣告 the want ads

職位 position; post; job vacancy/opening

求職信 application letter

工作簡歷 job resume; CV

填寫申請表 to fill in/out application form

接受職位 to accept/take the post

接任職位 to take over the position

工作面試 job interview

職業(yè)前景 job prospects

就業(yè)機會 job opportunity

工資待遇 pay offer

津貼 allowance

帶薪假 paid vacation

傷殘保險 disability insurance

失業(yè)保險 unemployment insurance

培訓咨詢 training consultancy

專業(yè)技能 professional expertise

腦力勞動 mental work

體力勞動 labour/physical work

手工勞動 manual labour/work

工作時間 working time

加班 overtime

夜班 night shift

零工 odd job

證券 securities

匯率 exchange rate

股票 stock

資產 assets
利潤 profit
(小編提醒:英語四級和六級考試的翻譯部分均涉及中國的歷史、文化、經濟、社會發(fā)展等領域的內容,所以本部分詞匯四六級翻譯備考通用哦~~ 快快一起學起來?。?/p>