《歌舞青春》的男女主角扎克·埃夫隆和凡妮莎·哈金斯前不久接受了名人攝影師Annie Leibovitz的邀請,扮演成著名童話故事《睡美人》中的菲利普王子和奧羅拉公主(點擊查看童話睡美人英漢雙語故事及Flash動畫),真人演繹了一回童話中的真愛之吻。照片將刊載在迪斯尼最新一期的D23雜志上,并附有對兩人的采訪,以下便是一個小小的片段。



滬江口語資料“絕密版” 免費贈送活動進(jìn)行中

這是你們第一次和Annie Leibovitz合作么?
扎克和凡妮莎: 沒錯?。ㄍ瑫r回答)

D23: 今天你們有沒有覺得自己就是童話故事的主角?
扎克: 絕對的。走進(jìn)攝影棚就覺得充滿了魔力。我喜歡安妮對鮮花的詮釋。我覺得她有用荊棘吧。
VH: 對,跟童話里一樣。
ZE: 看起來很贊。安妮向我們展現(xiàn)了她了靈感。


Scope out this new behind-the-scenes shot of Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens portraying Prince Philip and Princess Aurora’s true love kiss in Sleeping Beauty.

The official portrait will be published in Disney’s new D23 magazine, which interviewed the couple. Here’s a snippet:

D23: So, is this your first experience working with [photographer] Annie Leibovitz?
ZE/VH: Yes! (at the same time).

D23: Did you really feel part of the fantasy today?
ZE: Yes, as soon as I walked onto the set, I knew it was magic. I love Annie’s interpretation of the flowers. I think she used the term brambles.
VH: Yeah, from the fairy tale.
ZE: It looks gorgeous. Annie showed us her inspiration.
