
Book Report Writing


A book report tells about the important events in a book. It does not tell the ending. It also gives the writer's opinion of the book. Finally, it says whether others should read the book.




Go on an Incredible Journey?????????? →title of report

開始一段驚人的旅行??????????? → 報告的標題

The Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford is???????? →title and author

希拉·班的小說《驚人的旅行》 是????? ???→ 書名和作者

an incredible book. It tells the story of a cat, Tao,?? →main characters?

一部很棒的小說。本書中介紹一只名叫濤的貓?? →書中的主要角色?
and two dogs, Bodger and Luath, that set out across 250 miles of Canadian Wilderness searching for their way home to the family they love. ? →setting

以及兩只名叫博德杰和魯阿斯的狗穿過 250英里的加拿大荒原尋找它們所愛的主人的故事。?? → 故事背景

When the adventure begins, the pets are staying with a friend while the family is away. Due to a mix-up, the pets aren't missed for several weeks when they begin their journey. The pets are chased by wild animals, delayed by people, and challenged by nature.??????????? →main events of book

冒險開始時,寵物們在主人離開時保持友好團結(jié),正是由于它們同心攜力,在幾個星期的旅行中沒有走失。在這期間,它們曾被野生動物追趕,曾被人類耽擱,也曾面臨大自然的挑戰(zhàn)。 ?? →? 故事主要事件

You'll laugh and cry as you journey home with these three animals. They are courageous and true. This book is a must for animal lovers.???? →whether others should read it.

當你讀這本書時你會和這三只動物同喜共樂。這本書一定適合動物愛好者閱讀。?? → 適用此書的讀者?



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