SECTION 2: STUDY SKILLS (50 minutes)

Directions: In this section, you will read several passages. Each passage is followed by several questions based on its content.You are to choose ONE best answer, (A), (B), (C) or (D), to each question.?Answer all?the?questions?following each?passage?on?the basis of?what?is stated?or implied in that passage and write the letter of the answer you have chosen in the corresponding space in your ANSWER BOOKLET.

Questions 1~5 //
????? In a bay near Almeria in Southern Spain will be built the world's first underwater residence for tourists. The hotel will be 40 feet down in the Mediterranean. As all the world opened to tour operators, there was still a frontier behind which lay three quarters of the globe's surface, the sea; in whose cool depths light fades; no winds blow; there are no stars. There even the most bored travelers could recapture their sense of romance, terror or beauty. For a submerged hotel is such a beautiful idea.

????? The hotel will cost?170,000 and will be able to accommodate up to ten people a night. Up until now only scientists and professional divers have lived under the sea, but soon, for the first time, the public will be able to?go?down?into the?darkness.They?will? have to?swim?down?in diving suits, but at 40 feet there would be no problem about decompression.

????? Design of the hotel was crucial. Most of the underwater structures used before had been in the? shape of a?diving?bell?or?submarine. Professional?divers?could cope with such things but ordinary people would run the risk of violent claustrophobia. Then an Austrian architect had the idea of making three interconnecting circular structures,?18 feet in diameter, and looking much like?flying?saucers. They? would be cast? in?concrete and? launched? from the?shore. Towed into position they would then be sunk. A foundation of cast concrete would already be in place on the sea- bed. Pylons would attach the?structures to this. Once in position the?structures would be pumped dry. The pylons made to withstand an uplift pressure of 350 tons, would then take the strain. //

????? Cables?linking?the?underwater? structures?to?the?hotel on?shore?would??connect it with electricity, fresh water, television, and an air pump, and also dispose of sewage. Entry would be from underneath, up a ladder; because of the pressure inside there would be no need of airlocks or doors.

????? The first structure?would include?a?changing room?and?a?shower?area, where the?divers would get out of their gear. There would also be a kitchen and a lavatory. The second structure would contain a dining room/ lecture theatre, and sleeping accommodation for eight people. The third structure would contain two suites. A steward would come down with the ten customers, to cook and look after them. Television monitors would relay all that went on to the shore so that discussions on the sea bed could be transmitted to all the world.

1.From the passage we understand that?tour operators?and travelers will be interested?in?the submerged hotel as ___________. //
?? (A) it is a quiet place for research work???????????????? (B) it is an ideal sea- food restaurant
?? (C) it will offer new possibilities???????????????????????????? (D) it will have unchanging weather
2. What design was finally considered most suitable for the new hotel?
?? (A) Three separated circles.???????????????????????????????? (B) Three linked discs.
?? (C) Three connected globes.????????????????????????????????(D) Three interlocked cylinders.
3. The hotel would be able to float under water because it would be ____________.
?? (A) made of light material????????????????????????(B) 350 tons in weight
?? (C) filled with air???????????????????????????????????? (D) attached to pylons
4. It is planned that sleeping quarters will be provided for the guests in the __________.
?? (A) second structure??????????????????????????????????? (B) second and third structures
?? (C) first and third structures????????????????????????? (D) third structure
5. The purpose of television monitors under the sea would be to relay ____________.
?? (A). instructions from the sea bed to the shore
?? (B). news from the shore to the sea bed
?? (C).information from the world to the sea bed
?? (D). information to the world from the sea bed

Questions 6~10 //
???? For?most?people,boasting?about?oneself does?not?come?naturally.?It is not?easy?or comfortable to tell someone all the wonderful things you have accomplished. But that is exactly what you need to do if you are seeking a new job, or trying to hold on to the one you have.

???? Of course, there is a fine line between self- confidence and arrogance, so to be successful in winning over the interviewer you must learn to maximize your accomplishments and attributes without antagonizing the interviewer. //

???? The natural tendency for most job seekers is to behave modestly in a job interview. To do the best job?of selling yourself in an interview, you have to be prepared in advance. As part of your? job-? hunting check?list, write down?on?a?piece of? paper?your?major job-??related accomplishments. Commit them to memory. You will probably be pleasantly surprised to see in writing all that you have done.

???? By developing this list, you will have accomplished two things: the first is you will impress the? interviewer? by being able to talk?confidently?and? succinctly?about? your? accomplishments. You will not have to sit uncomfortably while you think of your successes. They will be at the tip of your tongue. Secondly, rather than dwell on your own personality characteristics, such as how hardworking? or? creative you are,?you?can? discuss? hard? facts,? such? as? how? you? saved? your employer? money?or?an?idea?you?developed? that? helped? a?customer?man?more money. When chronicling your accomplishments for the interviewer, take as much credit as you honestly can. If you developed a specific idea without help from your? supervisor, it is acceptable to say that. Remember, you are at that interview to sell yourself, not your former co- workers.

???? However, never?criticize your?former employer.Sharing? your?negative thoughts with the interviewer is an immediate turn- off and will only brand you as a complainer and gossip, whom no one likes or will hire.

???? Keep in mind that the most important part of a job interview is making the employer like you and presenting yourself as the person he or? she wants you to be. Consciously or not most employers tend to hire people who reflect their own values and standards. //

???? Once?you?get? the job you?want,?boasting?about?? your? accomplishments?does? not? stop. Although you may think all your successes and achievements are highly visible, remember that you are only?one lf many people in a company. Lack? of recognition? is cited by a majority?of discharged managers as the most frequent complaint against the former employer.

???? To help make yourself more visible in the company, volunteer for additional assignments— both? job-? related and? non-? business-? related.? These?could?include?community? relations?or charitable activities in? which your? company? is involved. These types of activities may? enable you to have more time and access to top executives of the company to whom you may endear yourself. You might even have the opportunity to tell them what you are doing for the company, which can never hurt.

6. This article is mostly about how to _________________.
?? (A) interview for a job??????????????????????????? (B) please your boss
?? (C) get along with co- workers???????????????(D) get and keep a job
7. In Paragraph 2, the word “maximize” means to ___________.
?? (A) talk about???????????????????????????????????? (B) make the most of
?? (C) be modest about???????????????????????????(D) play down
8. The author states that the one thing you should never do during an interview is __________.
?? (A) list your successes in previousjobs
?? (B) promote your qualifications for thejob //
?? (C) tell your potential boss about the projects you ve worked on
?? (D) make negative comments about your former employer
9. The author provides his views on winning and holding a new job by ______________.
?? (A) offering suggestions?????????????????????????? (B) presenting facts and statistics
?? (C) describing extreme situations?????????????(D) telling stories
10. In the passage, the author recommends all of the following EXCEPT _____________.
?? (A) making a point of telling your supervisor what you have done
?? (B) taking part in non- business- related activities
?? (C) going on boasting about your successes and achievements
?? (D) giving the employer an idea on how to run his other business

Questions 11~15
5 Steps to Living Longer
1?? Watch Your Temper
????? Scientists have long believed that? Type? A's—those people driven by ambition, hard work and tight deadlines—were most prone to heart attacks. But it's not striving for goals that leads to disease; rather, it's being hostile, angry and cynical.

????? Suggests?Mittleman:?if?stress?mounts so high?that?you?begin snapping?at? people,?“Ask yourself,‘Is it worth having a heart attack over this?’”

2?? Lighten Your Dark Moods //
????? for years, evidence linking depression to an increased risk of heart attack has been growing. Johns Hopkins researchers interviewed? 1551 people who were free of heart disease in the early 1980s and again? 14 years later. Those who reported having experienced major depression were four times as likely to have a heart attack as those who had not been depressed.

????? Exercise is an often overlooked antidepressant. In a study at Duke University, 60 percent of clinically depressed people who took a brisk 30- minute walk or jog at least three times a week were no longer depressed after 16 weeks.

3?? Flatten That Belly
????? More than 50 years ago French scientist Jean Vague noted that people with a lot of upper- body fat (those who looked like apples rather than pears) often developed heart disease, diabetes and?other?ailments.?But? it? wasn't?until?the introduction of CT and MRI scans that doctors discovered that a special kind?of fat,visceral fat,located?within?the?abdomen,?was? strongly linked to these diseases.

????? According to the National? Institutes?of? Health, there's trouble brewing when?your?waist measures 35 inches or more if you're a woman, and 40?inches or? more if you re a man. And that's regardless of height.

4?? Limit Your Bad Habits //
????? Heavy drinking. Moderate drinkers may be the least likely to develop Metabolic Syndrome, while alcoholics are the most? likely. In part that's because, pound for?pound, they? carry more abdominal fat. In one Swedish study, researchers found that male alcoholics carried 48 percent of their body fat within the abdomen, compared with 38 percent for teetotalers.

????? Cigarette smoking. Smoking is dangerous for reasons besides lung cancer or?emphysema. Some 60 minutes after? smoking a cigarette, one study revealed, smokers still showed elevated levels of cortisol, which promotes abdominal fat storage. Over- caffeinating. Moderate caffeine consumption doesn't seem to be harmful for most people. But recent studies suggest that when men?who?have both high?blood pressure?and a?family?history?of? hypertension?drink?a?lot of caffeinated?coffee?while?under?job?stress,?they may?experience?a dangerous?rise?in blood pressure.

5?? Rev Up Your Metabolism //
????? A new understanding of? how disease sets up shop in your body focuses on metabolism—the sum of physical and chemical reactions necessary to maintain life. This approach reveals that a healthy metabolic profile counts for more than cardiovascular fitness or weight alone.

????? As Glenn A. Gasser, professor?of exercise physiology at the University of Virginia, notes, “Metabolic fitness is one of the best safeguards against heart disease, stroke and diabetes. ”

11. The phrase “snapping at” (Step 1: Watch Your Temper) is closest in meaning to __________.
?? (A) judging severely?????????????????????? (B) declaring publicly
?? (C) answering rudely???????????????????? (D) understanding wrongly
12. According to the passage, which of the following people are liable to incur and suffer from heart attacks?
?? (A) Those whose waist measures 35 inches or less.
?? (B) Those who take a brisk 20- minute walk twice a week.
?? (C) Those who have experienced major depression.
?? (D) Those who have been striving for goals.
13. Stress may lead to all of the following EXCEPT_____________. //
?? (A) hostile disposition??????????????????????? (B) cynical behaviour
?? (C) over- caffeinating???????????????????????? (D) great ambition
14. According to the passage,?what?kind?of?people are?teetotalers? (Step? 4:? Limit? Your? Bad Habits)?
?? (A) Non- alcoholics.?????????????????????????? (B) Heavy drinkers.
?? (C) Chain smokers.???????????????????????????? (D) Non- smokers.
15.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?
?? (A) There is trouble brewing when your waist measures 35 inches or less.
?? (B) Metabolic fitness might prevent people from having heart disease.
?? (C) Moderate drinkers may be the most likely to develop Metabolic Syndrome.
?? (D) Moderate caffeine consumption seems to be harmful for most people.

Questions 16~20
????? World?prehistory? is?written? from?data?recovered?from?thousands of?archaeological?sites, places where traces of? human activity are to be found. Sites are normally identified through the presence of manufactured tools.

????? Archaeological?sites?are?most?commonly?classified? by the?activity that occurred? there. Habitation sites are places where people lived and carried out a wide range of different activities. Most prehistoric sites come under this category, but habitation sites can vary from a small open campsite? through? rockshelters?and?caves,to large accumulations?of?shellfish? remains? (shell middens). Village habitation sites may consist of a small accumulation of occupation deposit and mud hut fragments, huge earthen mounds, or communes of stone buildings or entire buried cities. Each presents its own special excavation problems.

????? Burial sites provide a wealth of information on the prehistoric past. Grinning skeletons are very much part of popular?archaeological legend, and human remains are common finds in the archaeological? record.The?earliest deliberate?human burials?are between??fifty and??seventy thousand? years?old.Individual?burials?are?found?in habitation sites,but?often?the? inhabitants designated a special area for a cemetery. This cemetery could be a communal burial place where everyone?was buried? regardless?of? social? status.Other?? burial? sites, lik? the?Shang??royal cemeteries in?China,?were reserved?for?nobility?alone.Parts?of?a?cemetery?were?sometimes reserved for certain special individuals in society such as clan leaders or priests. The patterning of grave goods in a cemetery can provide information about intangible aspects of human society such as religious beliefs or? social organization. So can the pattern of deposition of the burials, their orientation in their graves, even family grouping. Sometimes physical anthropologists can detect biological similarities between different skeletons that may reflect close family, or other, ties.

????? Quarry sites are?places?where people mined?prized? raw materials such?as?obsidian (a volcanic glass used for fine knives?and?mirrors)?or?copper.Excavations?at?such?sites yield roughed?out?blanks?of? stone,or?metal ingots,as?well?as?finished?products?ready?for trading elsewhere.Such objects were bartered widely in prehistoric times.

???? Art Sites such as the cave of Altamira in northern Spain, or?Lascaux in southwestern France, are?commonplace?in?some areas?of the world,noticeably southern?Africa and?parts?of North America.Many are caves and rockshelters where prehistoric people painted or?engraved game animals,scenes of?daily? life,or?religious?symbols.Some?French?art?sites are?at? least? fifteen thousand years old.

????? Each?of?these?site?types represents?a?particular form?of? human?activity,?one that? is represented in the archaeological record by?specific artifact and?surface indications found and recorded by the archaeologist.

16.An archaeological site is defined as a place where __________.
?? (A) some record of human activity is found
?? (B) humans bury beloved animals
?? (C) evidence of plant or animal life exists
?? (D) particular rock formations suggest the patterns of history
17. Generally speaking, archaeological sites are classified according to ___________.
?? (A) the people who lived there
?? (B) the historical period during which they were occupied
?? (C) the type of activity for which they were used
?? (D) the degree of civilization of those who lived there
18.The author mentions all of the following features of graves which may provide archaeologists with information about a particular society EXCEPT_______.
?? (A) the location of the grave??????????????????????????????????? (B) the goods buried with the person
?? (C) The degree of preservation of the body????????????? (D) The orientation of the body in the grave
19. Quarry sites are places where ________________.
?? (A) paintings showing scenes of daily life
?? (B) engravings of famous people
?? (C) paintings recording the location of burial sites
?? (D) tools and primitive devices used for engraving
20. According to the passage, art sites often contain????????????????????? .
?? (A) paintings showing scenes of daily life
?? (B)?engravings of famous people
?? (C) paintings recording the location of burial sites
?? (D) tools and primitive devices used for engraving

Questions 21~25
????? I got used, too, to my?employer's violent?changes of front. There was one morning when Siegfried came down to breakfast, rubbing a hand wearily over red- rimmed eyes.

????? “Out at 2 a. m. ,” he groaned, buttering his toast listlessly, “And I don't like to have to say this, James, but it's all your fault.”

????? “My fault?” I said, startled.

????? “Yes?lad,?your?fault.The?farmer?has?a?sick?cow for several days?and?at?2?o'clock?this morning he finally decided to call the vet. When I pointed out it could have waited a few hours more he said Mr. Herriot told him never to hesitate to ring—he'd come out any hour of the day or night.”

????? He tapped the top of? his egg as though the effort was almost too much for him. “Well, it's all very well being conscientious and all that, but if a thing has waited several days it can wait till? morning. You're spoiling these chaps, James, and? I'm? getting the backwash? of it. I'm sick and tired of being dragged out of bed for trifles.”

????? “I'm truly?sorry,? Siegfried. I honestly had no wish to?do that to you. Maybe it s just? my inexperience. If I didn't go out, I? d be worried the animal might die. If I left it till morning and it died, how would I feel?”

????? “That s all right,” snapped Siegfried. “There's nothing like a dead animal to bring them to their senses. They'll call us out a bit earlier next time.”

????? I absorbed this bit of advice and tried to act on it. A week later, Siegfried said he wanted a work with me.

????? “James, I know you won't? mind my? saying this, but? old? Sumner? was complaining to me today. He says he rang you the other night and you refused to come out to his cow. He's a good client, you know, and a very nice fellow, but he was quite shirty about it. We don t want to lose a chap like that.”

????? “But it was just a chronic mastitis,” I said' A bit of thickening in the milk, that's all. He d been dosing it himself for nearly a week with some quack remedy. The cow was eating all right, so I thought it would be quite safe to leave it till next day.”

????? Siegfried put a hand on my shoulder and an excessively patient look spread over his face. I steeled myself. I didn't mind his impartience, I was used to it and could stand it. But the patience was hard to take.

????? “James,”he said? in a?gentle voice,“there?is?one fundamental rule?in?our?job?which transcends all others, and I'll tell you what it is. YOU MUST ATTEND. That is it and it ought to be written on your on your soul in letters of? fire.”

21. Siegfried was not at his best on one morning because _____________.
?? (A) his breakfast was not to his liking
?? (B) he had been called out during the night
?? (C) he had been woken up early for breakfast
?? (D) the farmer hadn't tried to cure the cow himself
22. According to the passage, who was the young vet?
?? (A) James.???????????????????? (B) Siegfried.
?? (C) Sumner????????????????????(D) Mr. Herrioson
23. James thought it was all right to leave Summer's cow till next day because _____________.
?? (A) that was what Siegfried had advised
?? (B) Sumner had said there was no urgency
?? (C) He knew he could do nothing to save the animal
?? (D) Sumner never paid his bills on time
24. “You must attend ” (last paragraph) in the context of the passage means “_________”.
?? (A) You must follow your conscience
?? (B) You must use your powers of discretion
?? (C) You must go out whenever you are called
?? (D) You must pay close attention at all times
25. The impression James gives of Siegfried is that of ____________.
?? (A) a fairly easy- going generous employer
?? (B) someone rather pompous and unpredictable
?? (C) a conscientious but senile old man
?? (D) an insufferable, tyrannical boss

Questions 26~30
????? Most towns up to Elizabethan times were smaller than a modern village and each of them was built around its weekly market where local produce was brought for sale and the towns fold sold their work to the people from the countryside and provided them with refreshment for the day. Trade was virtually confined to that one day even in a town of a thousand or so people. On marlet days craftsmen put up their stalls in the open air whilst on one or two other days during the week the townsman would pack up his loaves, or nails, or? cloth, and set? out? early to do a day s trade in the market of an adj oining town where, however, he would be charged a heavy toll for the privilege and get a less favourable spot? for his stand than the local craftsmen. Another chance for him to make a sale was to the congregation gathered for? Sunday morning worship. Although no trade was allowed anywhere during the hours of the service (except at annual fair times), after church there would be some trade at the church door with departing country folk.

????? The trade? of? markets was almost? wholly? concerned with? exchanging the products? of the nearby countryside and the goods sold in the market but particularly in food retail dealing was distrusted as a kind of profiteering. Even when there was enough trade being done to afford a livelihood to an enterprising man ready to buy wholesale and sell retail, town authorities were reluctant to allow it.

???? Yet there were plainly people who were tempted to “forestall the market” by buying gogds outside it, and to “regrate” them, that is to resell them, at a higher price. The constantly repeated rules against these practices and the endlessly recurring prosecutions mentioned in the records of all the larger towns prove that some well- informed and sharp- witted people did these things.

????? Every? town?made its own?laws and?if?it?was?big?enough to?have?craft?guilds, these associations would regulate the business of their members and tried to enforce a strict monopoly of their?own?trades.Yet while the? guild? leaders,as?craftsmen,? followed? fiercely? protectionist policies, at the same time, as leading townsmen, they wanted to see a big, busy market yielding a handsome?revenue?in?various?dues and tolls.Conflicts of interest led to endless,minute regulations,changeable, often inconsistent, frequently absurd. There was a time in the fourteenth century, for? example, when London fishmongers were not?allowed to handle any fish that had not already been exposed for sale for three days by the men who caught it.

26. Craftsmen might prefer to trade in their own town because there they could _________.
?? (A) easily find good refreshment???????????????????????(B) work in the open air
?? (C) start work very early???????????????????????????????? (D) have the well- placed stalls
27. A tradesman was not allowed to sell his goods only ________________.
?? (A) on special market days??????????????????????????????? (B) at the annual fairs
?? (C) during Sunday morning services???????????????????(D) by the end of the services
28. In medieval markets there was little retail trade because ___________.
?? (A) money was never used in sales
?? (B) producers sold directly to consumers
?? (C) there were no fixed positions for shops
?? (D) authorities were unwilling to make a profit
29. The expression “forestall the market” (Paragraph 3) means “______________”.
?? (A) buy from a stall outside the market place
?? (B) acquire goods in quantity before the market //
?? (C) have the best and the first stall in the market
?? (D) sell at a higher price than competitors
30. It can be concluded from the passage that the regulations enforced by craft guilds were often ______________.
?? (A) unfair and unreasonable?????????????????????????????? (B) in the interest of the customers
?? (C) too complicated to comply with?????????????????? (D) disapproved by the local authorities