《愛情筆記》是一部細膩生動的戀愛過程全記錄。 其間,才子德波頓細述一段情緣中的邂逅、迷戀、平凡中的幸福、熟悉后的倦怠、女友移情別戀、挽回無望、自殺、醒悟,以至一段情完全成為過去。他認真思辯自己的感覺,忠實記下與女友交往中的各個細節(jié),特別是心理和哲學層面的思考,文字生動、處處機鋒,不僅有極大的閱讀樂趣,閱畢更令人回味無窮。

作者簡介:阿蘭·德波頓(Alain de Botton),英倫才子型作家,生于1969年,畢業(yè)于劍橋大學,現(xiàn)住倫敦。著有小說《愛情筆記》(1993)、《愛上浪漫》(1994)、《親吻與訴說》(1995)及散文作品《擁抱逝水年華》(1997)、《哲學的慰藉》(2000)、《旅行的藝術》(2002)。他的作品已被譯成二十幾種文字。(以上介紹轉自一舟博客)


?1,Love was something I sensed very suddenly, shortly after she had embarked on what promised to be a very long and very boring story (indirectly sparked by the arrival of the Athens flight in the carousel next to us) about a holiday she had taken one summer with her brother in Rhodes.
我驟然覺察到愛的降臨,就在她開始講起一個顯然會很漫長的而乏味的故事(受到我們旁邊出口雅典娜航班倒著的簡介提示)后降臨了。故事說的是她和她哥哥 夏天在羅的群島度假的事。

embark on:從事,著手
the arrival of A:A的到來

?2,While Chloe talked, I watched her hands fiddling with the belt of her beige woollen coat (a pair of freckles were collected below the index finger) and realized (as if this had been the most self-evident of truths) that I loved her.

fiddle with:擺弄,玩弄
index finger:食指

?3,However awkward it was that she rarely finished her sentences, or was somewhat anxious, and had not perhaps the best taste in earrings, she was adorable.

taste in:對……的什么能力

?4,I fell prey to a moment of unrestrained idealization, dependent as much on my emotional immaturity as on the elegance of her coat, the after-effects of flying and the depressing interior of the Terminal Four baggage area, against which her beauty showed up so starkly.

fell prey to:被……折磨,被……捕食
emotional immaturity:情緒不成熟
show up:揭露,露面,露出

?5,'The island was packed with tourists, but we rented motorcycles and…‘ Chloe's holiday story was dull, but its dullness no longer counted against it. I had ceased to consider it according to the secular logic of ordinary conversations.

be packed with:擠滿了
no longer:不再
cease to:停止
the secular logic:約定俗成的邏輯
