Directions: Translate of thef ollowing passage into Chinese and write your version in the corresp onding spa ce in your ANS WER BOOKLET. //

????? Bringing the World Cup to Asia was supposed to expand the reach of the global game in a happy confluence? of good will and good business. The action on the pitch has certainly been dramatic, and most fans were thrilled. But less than half way through the month-long tournament, the good will is already wearing thin — and business seems relatively slow, with fewer visitors and Cup-related sales than expected. Deeply embarrassed by the image of part-empty stadiums besieged by angry ticket hunters, Japanese prime minister ordered an official investigation into the ticket fiasco. Claiming losses of more than $800,000 per game, Korea's soccer federation even threatened to sue Byrom, the official ticket agent, for failing to print and deliver tickets on time.

????? Japan and Korea both hoped to score big points — at home and abroad — with the World Cup. Perhaps it was the memories of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul Olympics, which were considered turning points in their nations' development. Mired in a decade-long slump, Japan longs for anything that might shock its economy back to life. Korea, meanwhile, hopes the Cup will steady its halting recovery from the 1997 Asian financial crisis — and help brand it as Asia's most wired nation. Their plan: inject billions of dollars into new facilities, welcome throngs of tourists and for one glorious month showcase their countries to the biggest television audience in world history. //


Part A: Note-taking And Gap-filling
Directions: In this pa rt of the test you will hear a short talk You will hear the talk ONLY ONCE.? While listening to the talk, you may? take notes on the impo rtant points so thatyou can have enough inf ormation to comp lete a gap, filli ng task on a sepa rate ANS WER BOOKLET. You will not get your ANS WER BOOKLET until aft er you have listened to the talk //

????? Stress is now a major ________ (1) issue. Even holidays can be a source of ________ (2) and actually undermine health and put pressure on________ (3) relationships. Having spent: holidays in ________ (4) places, or felt that other people are having a more wonderful time, holiday-makers come home more stressed than before they went away. Holiday ________ (5) involve a series of mini-stresses, including tying up loose ends at ________ (6) and worrying about securing the home against ________ (7). Crowded airports, delayed flights and packed ________ (8) may be other stress factors. So experts recommend that we should take two or three ________ (9) holidays a year instead of a long ________ (10) one. July and August can be the most ________ (11) months for holidays, because holidays should be a time for ________ (12), quiet and ________ (13) space. Another strain is that holiday-makers are not able to do what they want on holiday and feel let down. So ________ (14) is very stressful. It's not going to ________ (15) you, but it won't help you to recharge your ________ (16). Some people become over ________ (17) when they are going on holiday and feel that their chosen holiday spot is not a ________ (18) place. Many couples and families are simply not used to ________ (19) a long time with each other. They cannot cope with it and find it ________ (20) to relax.

Part B: Listening and Translation
1. Sentence Translation
Directions: In this pa rt of the test, you will hear 5 English sentences. You will hear the sentences ONLY ONCE. Aft er you have heard each sentence, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the correspond ing sp ace in your ANS WER BOOKLET. //






2. Passage Translation //
Directions: In this pa rt of the test, you will hear 2 English passages. You will hear the passages? ONLY ONCE. Aft er you have heard each passage, translate it into Chinese and write your version in the correspond ing spa ce in your ANS WER BOOKLET. You may? take notes while you are listening.

