第 2 篇?? Passage 2
Read and interpret the following passage from Chinese into English:
??? 至于你提到的匯率問題,中國實行的是根據(jù)市場需求變化、有管理的浮動匯率。從1994年匯率并軌到現(xiàn)在,人民幣匯率并不是一成不變的。人民幣兌美元的實際匯率,到去年底升值了18%,對歐元升值了39%。我們將繼續(xù)探索和完善匯率形成的機制。人民幣的強勁和穩(wěn)定不僅有利于中國,也有利于亞洲和世界。
第 2 篇?? Passage 2
??? You asked the question about the exchange rate of the RMB. China now practices a regulated floating rate, which is based on changes in market supply and demand. Since we integrated the two-track exchange rate in 1994, the exchange rate of the RMB has fluctuated. In real terms, the value of the RMB has appreciated 18 percent against the US dollar, and 39 percent against the euro. We will continue to explore approaches and work to improve the mechanism under which the exchange rate is determined. A strong and stable RMB is not only in China 's own interest, but also benefits Asia and the world.