
Japan’s Cat Cafes

Times are tough with the recession, and Japan, being one of the hardest hit by the economic situation, has all the right ideas. Imagine a cafe in which you can simply walk in, pay a small fee of $5 to $8 for an hour of typical cafe relaxation—but with a ton of cats lounging around with you.

Cat cafes are simply a relief to pressure and loneliness for some. Being in the company of twenty or so cats can work wonders for de-stressing. It’s said that owning pets can significantly increase one’s lifespan and improve the quality of life, so spending an hour with them at your leisure may have similar effects!

These cat cafes are providing people quite a unique service—and they are popping up all over the place! At Ja La La Cafe in Tokyo, you can rent out a selection of up to 12 “professional” cats. If cats aren’t your fancy, you may have the option to rent out a cute bunny rabbit, or even a beetle. These cat cafes are most appealing to those who have pressure from frequent business trips and having no time to buy their own pets to accomodate their busy lifestyles.

Japan is known for its love for pets. Now there are more than 150 licensed companies in Tokyo where one can rent animals of all varieties, dogs being the most popular. People pay money to walk them, play with them, and exercise them. It’s truly a win-win-win situation: the company makes a small profit, the dogs are happy for the attention, and the people renting them out get a little slice of the feeling of owning a pet.

All of these creative new businesses usually have the same ideas in mind: happy customers, happy pets. Enjoy some delicious tea or coffee in the cafes, read a magazine, or simply relax and pet a cat on your lap. It’s all possible in Japan, so keep your eyes peeled for them if you ever travel there!?




